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The Power of Brand-Centric Copywriting: How Expertise in Entrepreneurship Leverage Content Strategy

To write a good copy, you have to really know about branding. Branding isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the backbone of effective communication and a powerful tool for differentiation in a saturated market. As Joseph Sugarman famously said, “The preparation for becoming a great copywriter is a lifestyle. It’s a hunger for knowledge, a curiosity and a desire to participate in life that is broad-based and passionate.” If you ever found a copywriter who lives it all, don’t let go.

How an Entrepreneurial Background Influences Content Crafting

An entrepreneurial background equips copywriters with a strategic mindset and business insight. These individuals understand the broader goals and objectives of a business, enabling them to align their content strategies accordingly. They are skilled at identifying opportunities for growth, creating content that only communicates but also drives business outcomes including lead generation and conversion. 

For instance, one of our clients — a Malaysian bespoke tailor brand Connoisseur Bespoke saw at least 40% increase in sales after engaging our Xiao Hong Shu content copywriting service. This is because the copy or content we infused with branding-centric copywriting, aligns well with Connoisseur’s business goals, brings out the essence of the brand,  speaks effectively to the audience’s needs and encourages action. 

showcasing clientele Connoisseur Bespoke who says Orange The Copywriter is creative, promising, passionate, professional and dedicated to her promise. Xiao Hong Shu (XHS) content planning in Malaysia increase conversion rate for at least 40%. Copywriting Services

Advantages of Branding Expertise in Creating Branding-Centric Copywriting

Copywriters with branding expertise can create great copy that attract target audiences. They understand how to articulate a brand’s unique value proposition (UVP), ensuring consistency across all communication channels. This is a better choice for developing brand stories that evoke emotion and foster brand loyalty among consumers. 

For businesses in Malaysia, it’s important to instill local market nuances when it comes to brand storytelling. Some of the great Malaysian brands focus on capturing the cultural essence and preferences of the Malaysian audience, which we call the “localisation”. Culturally relevant is the most vital part. 

Another successful collaboration with one of our clients– Iron House Cafe, a local Kopitiam chain, saw a significant boost in customer engagement and brand loyalty after reworking their brand story to better reflect Malaysian heritage culture and values, thanks to the overall localised branding direction and interesting brand story that we’ve helped to develop. 

Showcasing clientele, Iron House Cafe Tipiwu, one of Orange The Copywriter client. Iron House Cafe is a chain coffee shop brand that focuses on local traditional coffee shop food and tea drinks. Orange The Copywriter was assigned to rework on their brand story to better reflect Malaysian heritage culture and values.

Are You “Goods”, “Products”, or a “Brand”?

Visual distinction between goods, products, and brands, showing raw materials, finished products on a production line, and branded items with unique packaging.
Are You "Goods", "Products", or a "Brand"?

What flows endlessly on a production line are products, not brands. Goods, products, and brands are three distinct concepts. In fact, every business has the opportunity to be shaped into a successful brand, but before that happens, we need to understand the concept of branding.

Goods are basic items, products are goods with added value, but a brand transcends both–it’s a promise that meets expectations. When a copywriter knows how to instill the essence of a brand into a product copy, it means they can effectively communicate its unique story and value proposition, thus creating a stronger emotional connection with the audience. 

A good brand knows how to fulfil its promise by consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations. 

Impact of Entrepreneurial Thinking on Content Strategy and Audience Engagement

Entrepreneurial thinking drives innovative content strategies that speak to audiences on a deeper level. Copywriters who think entrepreneurially are proactive in adapting to market trends, identifying niche opportunities, and experimenting with new formats to capture audience attention. This approach fosters a dynamic and creative content ecosystem that keeps brands relevant and competitive. 

An entrepreneurial-minded copywriter possesses a unique ability to step into the shoes of business owners, viewing challenges and opportunities through their lens. This perspective goes beyond crafting copy; it involves understanding the broader strategic goals and operational side of the business. A copywriter with entrepreneurial background acts as a strategic partner, translating business visions into impactful storytelling that drives tangible outcomes and fosters long-term success. 

Hiring a Copywriter with Entrepreneurial and Branding Expertise is Essential for Malaysian Businesses

When hiring a copywriter, it’s important for business owners to conduct a thorough background inspection. Opting for a copywriter who not only has branding-centric copywriting skill, an entrepreneurial background but also possesses a strong branding mindset can be a game-changer. Such professionals are rare, especially in Malaysia, where the market is still maturing in terms of branding expertise. However, investing in a copywriter with these qualities can provide a competitive edge, ensuring your content is not only engaging and SEO-friendly but also strategically aligned with your business objectives. 

Partnering with a Malaysian copywriter and brand consultant who excels in branding, messaging and offers SEO copywriting services can drive significant growth for your business. By focusing on content marketing and website copywriting tailored to the Malaysian market, these experts can help you build a strong and outstanding brand. For more information on how to adapt these insights in your content strategy, contact Orange The Copywriter today. 

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